Why apple? Why? You make some cool iPods ands phones but you just blew it with this...the...iPad. Why would anyone in there right minds buy one of those things? They took the iPod touch and made it into a bigger, less convienent pile of crap. The ipad is small enough to fit in a manila envolope, the iPod touch can fit in your pocket! It's the same software as the iPod touch with absolutly nothing improved. And for a amazing price of $500 (sarcasm) the ipad is a complete SCAM and pointless. Anyone who has one needs personal theropy because there is defenetly somthing wrong with them. Hey I have a motto for the ipad "why the hell not?". Beacause they just know that there are retards in he world who spand half a grand on a oversized iPod touch. When are you gonna ever put that thing in a manila envolope anyway?
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