
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

People And there BLUETOOTHS

Look at this guy. Don't you just wanna hit him. But its way worse when your in a elevator or checking out at the market. Like yesterday, standing in the elevator at the mall and a guy walks in, "yeah, yeah, yeah, mhhmm, yeah, i got it, NO I DONT WANT THAT, mhhmm, yup, nope, yeah, ok, got it, no, yes, ok, ok, ok, ok, yeah got it bye". Oh my god! Ok whatever just keep talking and dont pay attenition to anyone around you. They should ban those things in all public places. No one wants to litsen to a strangers buisness agreements and outbursts! If phones in your pocket causes cancer than that sure as heck does too! But living seems to cause cancer too. Ok, i understand bluetooths in there car but when the car is off, it shouldnt leave the cup holder, instead of leaving it in your ear for your market trip. It cant really be comfortable either. Wouldnt it be like leaving a really heavy skullcandy headphone in your ear? And if your reading this on your company iPhone and you have a bluetooth in your ear at this second...then get on your hands and knees and pray for forgiveness from the people gods right now!

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